1984, Tallinn, Eestonia

+372 525 8280


2014 – 2017 Tallinn University, Baltic Filmi and Meedia school, Faculty of Film Arts, Sound design

2008 – 2012 University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, Painting

2010 – 2011 Estonian Academy of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting and Animation (exchange student)

2005 – 2006 Conservatorio Giuseppe Tartini, Faculty of Composition, Electroacoustic Composition (exchange student)

2003 – 2007 Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Faculty of Composition, Electroacoustic Composition

2002 – 2003 G. Otsa Tallinn Music School, Faculty on Rythm Music, Jazz Guitar

Sound design for movies and videos:

2022 Video “Disorder Patrol”, artist Flo Kasearu

2022 Video installation “Rebellion of the Open River”, artist Eva Labotkin

2022 Pilot episode “Tehnik”, director Karl Koppelmaa

2022 Pilot episode “Buss”, directors Kristi Tirmaste and Rasmus Rammo

2022 Pilot episode “Laibakuur”, director Andrus Tuisk

2020 Video installation “Child Welfare”, artist Flo Kasearu

2020 Video “Members Only”, artist Flo Kasearu

2020 Interactive movie “Bitter Terminus”, director Ali Vojdanian

2020 Music video Trad.Attack! “Make Room”

2019 Documentary “Television Fairy Tale”, directors Greta Külvet and Kätlin Karama

2019 Documentary “EKA Maja Lugu”, director Maria Aua

2018 Documentary “A Well-Kept Secret”, director Mihkel Oksmann

2018 Documentary “Tell Me a Dance”, director Regina Rähn

2017 Documentary “The Missed Wonder”, director Eret Kuusk

2017 Music video Estrada Orchestra “Nite City”, director Kristjan Tenso

2017 Animation “A Fly”, director Mari Kivi

2017 Short movie “Half a Child”, director Ulrike Brett Uukkivi

2017 Short movie “Baby On The Backseat”, director Epp Kubu

2016 Short movie “The Woman Is to Blame”, director Sandra Kartau

2015 Short movie “On the Other Side”, director Eret Kuusk

2015 Short movie “Fisherman”, director Tõnis Pill

Music and sound design for exhibitions and art performances:

2022 Exhibition „Of Becoming a Land(Scape)”, artist Britta Benno, Tartu Art House, Tartu

2021 Sound installation “Did you do that?”, artist Flo Kasearu, University of Tartu Botanical Garden, Tartu

2020 Exhibition “Cut Out of Life”, artist Flo Kasearu, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn

2020 Exhibition “Kalamaja kõrvad”, artist Flo Kasearu, Kalamaja Museum, Tallinn

2020 Exhibition “State of Emergency”, artist Flo Kasearu, KUMU, Tallinn

2019 Performance “Saga of the Fjords”, Kristino Rav, Edinborgarhúsi›, Ísafjör›ur

2019 Exhibition “Dystopic Tallinn”, artist Britta Benno, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn

2018 Exhibition “What Holds Me”, 2nd Latvia International Ceramics Biennale, Daugavpils, Tallinn

2017 Performance “Turbulent Mole Performance Mode”, Kristino Rav and Juhan Vihterpal, Grafodroom, Tallinn

2017 Performance “Pimetaju”, Kunstirühnitus Laik, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn

2016 Performance “Dunes Talk”, Kristino Rav and Juhan Vihterpal, Nida Art Colony, Nida

2017 Video installation “Two People by the Beach, Nothing Else”, artist Flo Kasearu, KUMU, Tallinn

2017 Exhibition “A Blindspot at the Zenith”, artist Kristino Rav, Gallery Positiiv, Tallinn

2016 Performance “Illustrating the Request for Privacy”, artist Flo Kasearu, Artishok Bienaal, NO99, Tallinn

2016 Exhibition Köler Prize 2016 Grand Prix, artist Laura Põld, EKKM, Tallinn

2016 Exhibition “Hundreds of Illusions Charted as Land”, artist Laura Põld, Tartu Art Museum, Tartu

2015 Exhibition „Sweet Fears“, Kristino Rav and Juha Hilpas, Amandus Aadamson Studio Museum, Paldiski

2014 Video installation “Uprising”, artist Flo Kasearu, Temnikova & Kasela Gallery, Tallinn

2014 Video installation “Sundew”, Art Group Laik, Tõrva

Music for film and theater:

2022 Video “Disorder Patrol”, artist Flo Kasearu

2020 Short movie “Members Only”, artist Flo Kasearu

2020 Theater play “Memm”, director Maret Tamme, Must Kast, Tartu

2020 Theater play “The Canterville Ghost”, director Sandra Lange, Kellerteater, Tallinn

2019 Documentary “Television Fairy Tale”, directors Greta Külvet and Kätlin Karama

2019 Documentary “EKA Maja Lugu”, director Maria Aua

2019 Theater play “Night of Souls”, Labyrinth Theatre Group G9, director Maret Tamme, Tartu

2017 Documentary “The Missed Wonder”, director Eret Kuusk

2017 Theater play “Sirgu Eesti”, Labyrinth Theatre Group G9, Tallinn

2017 Short movie “Half a Child”, director Ulrike Brett Uukkivi

2017 Short movie “Baby On The Backseat”, director Epp Kubu

2016 Short movie “The Birth of a Newspaper” (alternative music for the silent movie), director Eduard Jürisson-Vallaste

2016 Theater play “Lifetime”, Labyrinth Theatre Group G9, Tartu

2016 Short movie “The Woman Is to Blame”, director Sandra Kartau

2016 Short movie “Reading Between the Lines”, director Nadja Girich

2015 Short movie “Newcomer”, director Epp Kubu

2015 Documentary “Kuidas teha Saaremaal sokku”, director Vaher Märten

2015 Short movie “Fisherman”, director Tõnis Pill

2008 Short movie “Devil Incarnate”, director Janno Jürgens

2008 Short movie “Kahe vahel”, director Boris Veizenen

2005 Short movie “Behind the Door”, director Andrus Tuisk

Selected list of musical and art performances:

2022 JJJVVJVJVVJVJVVJVVVJVVVVVJ band tour (Villem Jahu and Juhan Vihterpal), Berlin

2022 Solo concert at Ensemble of the Estonian Electronic Music Society festival “Sirakas”, Copper Leg Art Residency,


2019 Premiere of “XXI sajand” for ERSO musicians and Benjolin synthesizer, Üle Heli, Tallinn

2018 Solo concert with kinetic installation “ALATEADUS”, Pärnu City Gallery Artists House, Pärnu

2018 Solo concert at “Üle Maa Heli”, Virtsu

2017 Live music for performance “Turbulent Mole Performance Mode”, Kristino Rav and Juhan Vihterpal, Grafodroom, Tallinn

2017 Group performance “Pimetaju”, Art Group Laik, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn

2016 Solo concert with kinetic installation “ALATEADUS”, Amandus Adamson Studio Museum, Paldiski

2016 Live music for performance “Tumeseadus” Kristino Rav and Juhan Vihterpal, Roja Art Lab, Roja

2015 Live music for performance “Tühi saal”, Kristino Rav and Juhan Vihterpal, The Old Town Writers House, Tallinn

2014 Live music for performance „New Human“, Kaspar Aus and Juhan Vihterpal, KUMU, Tallinn

2014 Group performance “Sundew”, Art Group Laik, Tõrva Tule-Päevad, Tõrva

2014 Group performance “On Social Dreaming”, Art Group Laik, Y-Gallery,Tartu

2013 Group performance “Object MU II”, Art Group Laik, TÜPA, Tartu

2013 Solo performance “………”, Moks, Mooste

2013 Group performance “Object MU”, Art Group Laik, Estonian National Library, Tallinn

2012 Group performance “Laik”, Art Group Laik, Sleeping Beauty Castle, Tallinn


2018 “ALATEADUS”, solo exhibition, Pärnu City Gallery, Pärnu

2016 “ALATEADUS”, solo exhibition, Amandus Aadamson Studio Museum, Paldiski

2016 “Dark Law”, installation, Roja Art Lab, Roja, Latvia

2015 “Light Force”, Art Group Laik, Haapsalu Linnagalerii, Haapsalu

Organized interdisciplinary events:

2015, 2018, 2019 “Hea Tuju Eksperimentaarium”, Tallinn

2017 “Turbulent M o l e Performance M o d e”, Tallinn

2017 “Soil Mole . . . Prism Sculptor”, Amandus Aadamson Studio Museum, Paldiski

2016 “Aynthetic Mole curves to Prism Mole”, Tallinn


2019 ArtsIceland, Ísafjör›ur, Iceland

2018 Üle Maa Heli, Virtus, Estonia

2016 Roja Art Lab, Roja, Latvia

2016 Nida Art Colony, Nida, Lithuania

2013 Moks, Mooste, Estonia